Rules for Moving the Checkers
In order to move the checkers, players must first roll the dice. The roll dictates how many pips (triangle spaces) the player will move his/her checkers. The player is only allowed to move forward. Below are the following rules on moving:
1. A checker can only be moved to a triangle that is either unoccupied, contains the player's checkers, or consists of only one checker from the opponent.
2. The two dice constitute two separate movements. For example, in the image, the player has rolled a 6 and a 4. The player may either move two different checkers, or may move the same checker a 4 and a 6.
3. A player must use both numbers that have been rolled on the dice. In the event that a player is unable to use either one of the rolls, his/her turn is over. If the player rolls doubles, the player is required to use as many of the numbers as is possible.
Below is an example:
The player (white checkers) has rolled a 4 and a 6.
In the next example, the player (white checkers) has rolled a 6 and 1. The player (white checkers) has two options:
Starting board (below)
Option 1: The player can move her white chips into this position. This is a great move because she is able to a block for her opponent, therefore making it more difficult for the player (black checkers) to come out of his home quadrant.
Option 2 (below): The player (white checkers) has moved a 6 and a 1. This is not a great move because 2 checkers have been left uncovered.